Bienvenue au cœur de la Cerdagne française - Welcome in the heart of the French Cerdagne - Bienvenido al centro de la Cerdaña francesa

The goal of this personal website is to present and share useful or interesting information about the village of Saillagouse.

General warning

Everything is done to provide reliable and verified information to the Users of this site. However, despite all the care provided, the site may contain inaccuracies or errors. We thank the Users of the site to indicate any omissions, errors or corrections to contact_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Personal data and privacy policy

In order to improve this site and for statistical purposes, for technical reasons we collect the Internet Protocol (IP) address, the date and time of connection, the version of the browser and the oparating system of the User.

The information provided by the User via our guestbook allows us to improve the site through its comments / suggestions. This information will not be sold or passed on to third parties.

Connection data is stored for one month and the data for the guestbook is stored for two years on a server at the host of this site.

The User has a right of access, modification and deletion of the data concerning it (in accordance with the French law "Loi n°2004-801 du 6 août 2004, Loi relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard des traitements de données personnelles et modifiant la loi n°78-17 du 06 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés" and in accordance with the RGDP active since May 25, 2018). For this, the request must be made to contact_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Domain name - Hosting

The domain name is filed with the company:

RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

acting as registrar.

The site is hosted by the same company.

Photos credits

All the photos of the site, except the reproductions of postcards in black and white, belong to their respective author.

Intellectual properties

Any item composing the site can not be copied, reproduced, modified, reissued, loaded, denatured, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, under any medium whatsoever, in a partial or integral way, without a written and prior authorization of the webmaster. Only the copy for private use is authorized for personal, private and non-commercial use, on the computer, the smartphone, the personal assistant and / or the mobile terminal of the User.

In the context of the news exception, posters and other representations of works of graphic, plastic or architectural art, published in the agenda of the site for the purpose of promoting events and with the purpose of immediate information and in direct relation with this information are published without the need to obtain the distribution agreement of the author (s) of the works (paragraph 9 ° article L 122-5 of the French code of intellectual property). The moral rights applying however to these works, we are supposed to indicate the paternity of the works. However, due to technical constraints (essentially the research of the name or names of authors in a limited period of time), this paternity information is often missing. If you are the author of a work used in this context, please send an email to  contact_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to regularize the situation.

Establishment of links to pages of the domain

The creation of hypertext links to pages of the domain is authorized:

  • for all Internet sites, blogs, forums excluding those broadcasting controversial, pornographic, or xenophobic information.
  • subject to using the deep linking technique, only for the pages of the site; moreover, the pages must not be nested within the pages of another site, a blog or a forum (framing), and must be visible by the opening of a new independent window or a new tab. This technique is not allowed for other resources / content on the site (image, photo or other multimedia document).
  • subject to mentioning the source that will point through a hypertext link directly to the intended content.

The use of the technique of insertion by hyperlink ("direct linking" or "hotlinking") which consists of using the address of a file (image, photo or other multimedia document) published on the site, to display / insert this document in another site, blog, forum is strictly forbidden.

The webmaster can request the deletion of a link if it considers that the source site does not comply with these obligations.

Links to third-party sites from the pages of the domain

The hypertext links implemented within the site to other sites and / or personal pages and generally to all existing resources on the Internet can not engage the responsibility of the webmaster concerning their content, the links that they contain or the changes or updates that would be applied to them. Links to other sites are provided to users solely for convenience.

Prohibition of mirroring

No uploading of the Website by a third party under another URL is allowed.

Malfunction and viruses

We decline all responsibility for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website, or the impossibility for a third party to use it, or a malfunction, interruption, virus resulting from the access or the use of this site or all sites linked to it.

Acceptance of Conditions

By using this site, you signify your acceptance of the aforementioned points. If you do not agree with this document, please do not use this site. We reserve the right to modify, add or delete elements of this document at any time.


Copyright © 1999 - 2025 . All Rights Reserved.
The author of this personal website does not assume responsibility about the given information that can over time become inaccurate or incorrect. The author tries to update this site as much as possible.