Altitude min. : 1230 meters (4035 ft) - Altitude max. : 2160 meters (7087 ft) - Altitude of the townhall : 1306 meters (4285 ft) - Latitude 42° 27' 39" N - Longitude 2° 02' 25" E
Area of the commune : 11.35 km2
Number of inhabitants : 819 in 1999, 1026 in 2009, 1146 in 2019. The inhabitants are called "saillagousains" and "saillagousaines".
Population density : 72 inhabitants/km2 in 1999, 90 inhabitants/km2 in 2009, 101 inhabitants/km2 in 2019.
Zip code : 66800
Photographic credits : Y. THIBAUT