Bienvenue au cœur de la Cerdagne française - Welcome in the heart of the French Cerdagne - Bienvenido al centro de la Cerdaña francesa

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Map of Saillagouse - Interests (left part) Map of Saillagouse - Interests (right part)
Map background : © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA


List of interest centers

1 - Townhall

1 - Post - Public services center

2 - Tourist Office

3 - Sainte Eugénie church

4 - Railway station (Stop)

5 - Schools

6 - Tennis court

7 - Communauté de Communes

8 - Boulodrome

9 - Cemetery

10 - Multipurpose hall François Ester

11 - Stadium Jean-Michel Isern

12 - Picnic space

13 - Lakes

14 - State police force

16 - Library

17 - Fire department

18 - Power supply for caravans

19 - Museum of delicatessen of Cerdagne

20 - Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie

21 - Chambre d'Agriculture

22 - Jordi Pere Cerdà School

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