Bienvenue au cœur de la Cerdagne française - Welcome in the heart of the French Cerdagne - Bienvenido al centro de la Cerdaña francesa
Live weather and ephemeris

The times displayed are based on local time in Saillagouse. Lunar information is calculated for midnight.

Saturday 22/02/2025
07:3618:34Zenith 13:05 10:58
Third Quarter (38%)03:5712:17 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 08 - Day of the year 53
Sunday 23/02/2025
07:3418:35Zenith 13:05 11:01
Waning Crescent (29%)04:5413:15 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 08 - Day of the year 54
Monday 24/02/2025
07:3318:36Zenith 13:04 11:03
Waning Crescent (20%)05:4314:21 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 09 - Day of the year 55
Tuesday 25/02/2025
07:3118:38Zenith 13:04 11:07
Waning Crescent (12%)06:2215:34 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 09 - Day of the year 56
Wednesday 26/02/2025
07:3018:39Zenith 13:04 11:09
Waning Crescent (6%)06:5516:50 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 09 - Day of the year 57
Thursday 27/02/2025
07:2818:40Zenith 13:04 11:12
New Moon (2%)07:2318:06 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 09 - Day of the year 58
Friday 28/02/2025
07:2618:41Zenith 13:04 11:15
New Moon (0%)07:4719:22 Moon position perigee / apogee
Week 09 - Day of the year 59


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